All You Need To Know About Bitcoins

bitcoinIf you want to know more about Bitcoin’s incredible benefits, then it is a must to know the basic facts about this digital currency. Hence, what is Bitcoin? Simply put, Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that is traded or exchanged online. You can use it just like real money like the U.S. Dollar or the British Pound to purchase goods or services. However, what makes this virtual currency unique is the fact that it has no central authority, and it’s powered by its own users.

Unlike most digital and physical currencies, Bitcoin is completely anonymous. It has no serial number, and its network never collects any personal information. This anonymous characteristic of Bitcoin is the reason why it’s very popular among privacy-concerned individuals around the world. Also, because it has no central authority like the Federal Reserve or central banks, no single person has the authority to control or manipulate the Bitcoin network, except the software development team who works on improving the software. Advantages such as having no central authority, complete anonymity, and rising popularity completely define the essence of what is Bitcoin.

What’s so special about this digital currency?

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer, decentralized digital currency which allows you to do anonymous financial transactions, and no one will come to know about the payment or about all the other details related to the payment, including who sent it or who received it. Unlike other online payment gateways, with Bitcoin, you don’t need to provide any of your personal details. In a nutshell, users can do money-related transactions, and no authority will come to know about it or manipulate it.

Advantages of the Bitcoin currency

-There is payment freedom. With the Bitcoin currency in existence, it is possible to send and receive any amount of money instantly anywhere in the world at any time. There are no holidays, restrictions, or even imposed limits.
-There are very low transaction fees. Unlike other online payment services, Bitcoin payments are currently processed with either no fees or extremely low fees. However, users may include transaction fees to receive priority processing, which results in faster processing of transactions by the network.
-There is security and control. Bitcoin users are in full control of their financial transactions. Also, Bitcoin payments can be made without personal details tied to the transaction. The currency’s anonymity offers strong protection against identity theft. Additionally, users can also protect their Bitcoins with backup and encryption.

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